Client Base For Mac

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Please note!
Moving the basic folder path to a network drive is not recommended! There is a risk of data loss!

1. Start the FAUbox client.
2. Click on Preferences in the upper right corner and select General.


Basecamp for your Mac or PC. When it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work, Basecamp is right there alongside the apps you use every day on your Mac or Windows PC. Basecamp in your web browser. Basecamp works anywhere you’ve got a web browser and the internet. Laptop, phone, tablet, hotel lounge, school computer lab.

3. Click on the folder-icon next to folder-basepath.

4. Select the desired directory and confirm with OK.

As seen in the picture above, the FAUbox basefolder is located in the same directory as Desktop, Lirary etc . Now if you want to change the base path of the FAUbox and move it to Desktop for example, you have to change the path from C:Users___FAUbox to C:Users___DesktopFAUbox

5. Click on OK in the Preference-Window.

6. After clicking on OK, the following window will open up. Now you have to confirm, that all the data located in the FAUbox-basefolder should also be moved to the new path. Click on Yes.


7. Finished! The folder base path of your FAUbox-basefolder (including all its containing folders and files) was successfully changed.

Please note!
By moving the folder base path the Access time (atime), Change time (ctime) and Modification time (mtime) of the files and folder will be changed as well!

If you want to avoid these changes , you have to manually move each Toplevel folder to the new base path. The following three instructions will show you how to do that:

1. Moving Toplevel folders via Finder:


The following instruction will show you how to move the Toplevel folders and only change the Access time (atime):

Follow the above described instruction til step five. In step six you have to click on No instead of Yes. Now you have to manually move the Toplevel folders.

  1. Close the client.
  2. Open the Desktop Explorer or Finder on your device and select the Toplevel folder you want to move.
  3. Press the buttons [Cmd] + [C]. The Toplevel folder is now being copied.
  4. Now open the directory you want to move the folder in and insert the Toplevel folder by pressing the buttons [Cmd] + [V].
  5. Lastly, delete the original Toplevel folder in the old folder base path.
  6. Repeat this process with all folders.

1. Moving Toplevel folders via Console:

1. Method: Changing the atime and mtime

  1. Close the client.
  2. Open the spotlight-search-function by pressing the buttons [Cmd] + Spacebar and enter the command “Terminal“.
  3. Double-click on the search result and add the command “cp -r -p old folder base path/foldername new folder base path” (Please not that you have to enter the actual path and foldername in the command)
  4. Delete the Toplevel folder in the old folder base path.

Client Base For Travel Agents

2. Method: Changing the atime and ctime

Client Base For Mac High Sierra

  1. Close the client.
  2. Open the spotlight-search-function by pressing the buttons [Cmd] + Spacebar and enter the command “Terminal“.
  3. Double-click on the search result and add the command “rsync -avu old folder base path/foldername new folder base path” (Please not that you have to enter the actual path and foldername in the command)
  4. Delete the Toplevel folder in the old folder base path.

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